Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 6, 2015

TSA750-Đại lý phân phối chính thức hãng MARK-10 tại Việt Nam-MARK-10 Vietnam-STC Vietnam

Vì là nhà phân phối chính thức nên chúng tôi có thể cung cấp Dịch vụ chất
lượng nhất với giá tốt nhất cho khách hàng của mình.
Quý khách có nhu cầu xin vui lòng liên hệ:
Đoàn Thị Xuân Hảo
I Senior Sales Eng. I
I Cellphone I    0169.868.0915
I Email I  
Online contact==============================================
                     Nick Yahoo:   hao_stc                          Nick Skype:  hao_stc
Chúng tôi xin gửi đến khách hàng các dòng sản phẩm mà chúng tôi là nhà cung cấp chính thức : 

ModelDescriptionUS Price
TSFTest stand, 1,000 lb, vertical$2,100.00
TSFHTest stand, 1,000 lb, horizontal$2,100.00
TSF001Digital travel display for TSF/TSFH$750.00
TSF002Horiz. / wall mounting kit for TSF Series and TST Series stands$200.00
AC1004Mounting kit, BGI to test stand$85.00
---Column extension$125.00 base + $10.00 per inch

TSC1000Test stand, hand wheel-operated, 1,000 lb, vertical$1,375.00
TSC1000HTest stand, hand wheel-operated, 1,000 lb, horizontal$1,375.00
TSC001Digital travel display for TSC1000/TSC1000H$650.00
TSA002Horizontal/wall mount kit for TSA/TSC1000$150.00
AC1004Mounting kit, BGI to TS-Series test stands$85.00
---Column extension$125.00 base + $5.00 per inch
ModelDescriptionUS Price
TSTTorque stand, hand wheel-operated, vertical$2,600.00
TSTHTorque stand, hand wheel-operated, horizontal$2,600.00
TST001 *Digital angle indicator for TST-Series stands, 110V$950.00
TSF002Horiz. / wall mounting kit for TSF Series and TST Series stands$200.00
---Column extension$125.00 base + $15.00 per inch
ModelDescriptionUS Price
ES05Test stand, lever-operated, compression, 30 lb$485.00
14-1068Base plate$75.00
ModelDescriptionUS Price
ES30Test stand, hand wheel operated, 200 lb$1,175.00
ESM001Digital travel display, 6" x 0.0005 (150 mm x 0.01)$750.00
ESM004Digital travel display, 12" x 0.0005 (300 mm x 0.01)$1,450.00
ESM003-1Column extension for ESM/ES30, 6"$150.00
ESM003-2Column extension for ESM/ES30, 12"$175.00
ESM003-3Column extension for ESM/ES30, 24"$200.00
US Price
ES10Test stand, lever-operated, 100 lb$495.00
ES20Test stand, hand wheel operated, 100 lb$595.00
ES001Dial indicator kit, 1" travel, brackets included$140.00
ES002Digital indicator kit, 1" travel, brackets included$325.00
ES001NISet of brackets for indicator, indicator not included$110.00
14-1068Base plate$75.00
G1039*Coupler, #10-32$15.00
ModelDescriptionUS Price
TSB100Test stand, lever-operated, 100 lbs$795.00
TSB001Digital travel display for TSB100 (requires TSB003 travel stops kit)$600.00
TSA002Horizontal/wall mounting kit for TSB100$140.00
TSB003Travel stops kit for TSB100$95.00
---Column extension$125.00 base + $5.00 per inch
ModelDescriptionUS Price
TSA750Test stand, lever-operated, 750 lbs, vertical$995.00
TSA750HTest stand, lever-operated, 750 lb, horizontal$995.00
TSA001Digital travel display for TSA750/TSAH$650.00
TSA002Horizontal/wall mounting kit for TSA750/TSC$150.00
TSA003Mounting table kit for TSA750/TSA750H$185.00
AC1004Mounting kit, BGI to TS-Series test stands$85.00
---Column extension$125.00 base + $5.00 per inch
The TSA750 / TSA750H is supplied with a tool kit, medium hook, large hook, and a 2" diameter compression plate.

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